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But the street-side circus won’t be just for the pros; a selection of activities will be on-site for everyone to try out. Tightropes, trapezes, and other like acrobatic equipment will be open for you to try your hand (and feet) at, as will some majestic aerial silks.


Don’t worry if you’re not the most physically inclined or graceful either, as instructors will be on Saint Denis street to guide you through many activities. There will even be an aerial silk challenge you can take with your friends, along with a hula-hoop class lead by the city’s most esteemed hula-hoopers.


Best of all: the whole event is entirely free.


La rue complètement cirque will transform Saint Denis into a circus from July 7th to 17th. For more details on the event, and the larger Montreal Circus Festival, head to the official website here.


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